Friday, December 17, 2010

Jesus Calling: A Devotional for Kids

This devotional book for kids is filled with a year's worth of daily devotions! Each devotion begins with a verse followed by commentary written in first person, as if Jesus were speaking directly to the child.
Scripture references for further study are also included each day, which is perfect for older children and teens. As an adult, I also really appreciated the messages and often found God speaking to my heart through them!

The habit of spending time with the Lord on a daily basis cannot be formed too early. For children who need a good place to start, Tama Fortner's adaptation of Sarah Young's Jesus Calling may be the perfect book. Young's writings are comforting, full of practical help, and promote worship. Jesus is often presented as a friend--"I am your best Friend--pour out your heart to Me,"--but He is also presented as the Sovereign King. This book, therefore, is a perfect supplement for parents who are teaching their children to have both a personal relationship with God and also to worship Him as Lord.

I received a complimentary copy of this book through the Thomas Nelson Booksneeze program.